Monday, February 3, 2014

The Raven summary

In the beginning, the Raven was first and foremost a Creator and Trickster God of the Haida Tribe. His brother Logobola is also a bit of a trickster himself. The Raven created light. A long time ago, The Chief hoarded the light and the Raven was sick and tired of fluttering around in the dark. So the Raven turned himself into a ceder leaf and snuck into the Chief's den. He fluttered into his daughters drink and made her pregnant. The Raven was a very loud baby and the Chief wanting to be good grandpa let him play with the sun. When the Raven got his hands on the sun, he turned back into himself and stole the sun so the rest of the world could have light.


  1. good job summarizing the story! Wish there was a bit more detail.. but over all good job!

  2. In this myth Raven doesn't sound so bad...he would sound bad if he stole the sun and kept the light all for himself, but instead he shares it with the world.

  3. I wish there was a little more detail, but other than that you did a really good job.
