Friday, February 14, 2014

Summary of The Raven Myth

In the beginning there lived a Chief and his daughter. The Chief hoarded all the light in the world. He did not want to share any of his precious light. The Raven was sick of this. He hated flying around in the dark and he hated not being able to see anything. So he decided to change himself into a cedar leaf and snick into his den. He fluttered into the Chief's daughters drink and when she took a sip he went through her body. He then made her pregnant. When the baby was born, he had black hair and dark eyes and when he was mad he would shriek. The Chief wanting to be a devoted grandpa gave the baby the a bag of stars. He was delighted. The raven played and played with the bag of stars. Then one day he got very bored and he untied the bag and all the stars flow through the smoke hole and then scattered the sky. He then started to shriek and cried at the top of his lungs. The Chief decided to give the rowdy baby the moon. Once the Raven got his hands on the moon, he fell in love with it. He bounced the moon everywhere and then a day came were the moon flew out of the smoke hole and into the sky. The baby deprived of his beloved toy would not stop shrieking. The Chief's daughter made he gifts and toys for him. But he did not desire any of those toys, he wanted the last bag. Chief tearing out his hair finally gave him and gave the Raven the last bag. Before he did so he told the baby not to untie the bag because it holds light. Once he handed him the bag he had no need to untie the bag of light. He changed into himself and flew away. The Raven had fulfilled what he needed and he then spread light across the world.

1 comment:

  1. This is a lovely summary of your myth, however, it almost seems as though you are not the one telling it. Regardless, I enjoyed your conniving little story.
